6. Yankee Doodle Doctor

October 22, 1972 (J-310)

Written by: Laurence Marks
Directed by: Lee Philips
Guest Stars: Ed Flanders as Lt Bricker. Bert Kramer as Sgt Martin. Tom Sparks as the Corpsman.
Semi-regulars: Herb Voland as Brigadier General Clayton. Marcia Strassman as Lt Cutler.

Plot: General Clayton is having a documentary film made about the Korean War, with a focus on the 4077th. When Hawkeye and Trapper discover that it's to be a jingoistic load of propaganda, they decide to destroy the General's film and re-shoot it in their own style, starring Hawkeye as the Yankee Doodle Doctor (a la Groucho Marx, with Trapper as Harpo and Radar as the hapless patient. Nurse Cutler takes a moderately Zeppo-esque role as well, so I guess that makes the General Chico). General Clayton is slightly chastised, but still enthusiastic, and decides to have the film remade.

Glitches: Hawkeye asks Trapper for a wrench and gets given a spanner. Subtle but significant difference.

Great Lines: Henry: 'You guys opened his cans!' Hawkeye (offended): 'I haven't opened a can since I was an intern.'
The PA, about the film: '...Yankee Doodle Doctor! With a cast of several!'

Continuity is for Wimps: Radar prancing about in his underwear? In public? On film?!?

Notes: Burns took drama at high school.

Comments: This was just a little too moralistic for my taste. All worthwhile, though, for the film, which is quite hilarious. A number of extremely old, bad and very funny Doctor jokes turn up in grand style. And General Clayton is always worth seeing an episode for, as was Burns's amateur dramatics.

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