23. Ceasefire

March 18, 1973 (J-323)

Written by: Laurence Marks
Directed by: Earl Bellamy
Guest Stars: Bruce Kimmel as Private Gilbert.
Semi-regulars: Jamie Farr as Corporal Klinger. Patrick Adiarte as Ho-Jon. William Christopher as Father Mulcahy. Herb Voland as General Clayton. Odessa Cleveland as Nurse Ginger. Lynette Mettey as Nurse Nancy Griffin. Marcia Strassman as Nurse Cutler. Bonnie Jones as Nurse Barbara.

Plot: Hawk 'n' Trap have had enough in surgery, and are about to set off for R&R in Tokyo when General Clayton calls and tells them that a ceasefire has been arranged. There is much rejoicing, although Trapper doesn't believe it. Everyone prepares to go home - Hawkeye has to let a large number of nurses down, and uses the excuse (lie) that he's married with five kids. Ho-Jon and family start taking the camp to pieces. Burns and Hot Lips have a lengthy and teary farewell, with Hot Lips getting really drunk. Radar tries to get everyone to sign his scrapbook. Klinger sells off his dresses. General Clayton comes to have a party with the gang, and Hawkeye puts on a slide show of photos of the General, a number of them in compromising positions with Hot Lips. In the end, Trapper is right. The cease-fire is a fake, and wounded arrive. Hawkeye regrets telling the nurses he was married, but even more he regrets telling Ho-Jon to take the camp - he took the whole Swamp.

Glitches: When Father Mulcahy is leading the prayer, there's a strip of toilet paper hanging over his head which doesn't appear to be attached to anything.
The 'Auld Lang Syne' they're singing at the party changes key dramatically, almost as though it was recorded in two different takes.
What happens to the boys' trip to Tokyo?

Great Lines: Hawkeye hears about the ceasefire: 'General Clayton, this is Benjamin Franklin Pierce. I realise you're a General and I'm only a Captain, but I want to have your baby!'
Hawkeye: 'They're all doctors and nurses! What can we possibly do that would surprise them?' Nurse: 'I don't know.' Hawkeye: 'Let's see what we can come up with.'
After Hawkeye throws away $1500 worth of poker IOUs, he adds, 'I just realised I can get that all back from one rich kid with bad tonsils.'

The Klinger Collection: He starts off in a vermilion knee-length dress and blue netting hat. During his ceasefire sale, he wears a maroonish satin robe and a khaki cap.

Continuity is for Wimps: Isn't it public knowledge that Trapper is married and fools around? So why is it such a big deal that Hawkeye could be?

They All Look the Same to Me: Patrick Adiarte is here again but I don't really know if he counts, given that he only ever shows up playing Ho Jon.

Notes: The regular theme music has returned at last, thank god. I'm all for creativity, but really...

Comments: So many of the scenes between characters who think they're about to be separated are just great, especially Hot Lips as she gets drunker and drunker. Not to mention when we realise what the result of Hawkeye telling so many nurses he's married will be. It's one of those episodes which goes around in a circle and puts everything back where it started, but in a believable, humorous way.

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