25. Divided We Stand

September 15, 1973 (K-401)

Written by: Written by Larry Gelbart
Directed by: Jackie Cooper
Guest Stars: Anthony Holland as Captain Hildebrand.
Semi-regulars: Herb Voland as General Clayton. Jamie Farr as Corporal Klinger. Bobbie Mitchell as Nurse Marshall. Lesley Evans as Nurse Bryan. Odessa Cleveland as Nurse Ginger.

Plot: General Clayton sends a psychiatrist, Captain Hildebrand, to evaluate whether or not the 4077th should be shut down and its members sent elsewhere. Henry's not supposed to let on to anybody, but he enlists the senior staff to try to help the situation by being sensible. They don't really succeed, despite trying a little bit. However, once Hildebrand actually sees them in action, he realises they couldn't be better and they stay together.

Glitches: While he's talking to Hildebrand, Henry's hands go from fist-into palm to palms-down on the desk between shots.
Turning on the shower to cover one's voice works a lot better when the shower actually makes noise.

Great Lines: Trapper: 'We were going to join the nurses.' Hawkeye: 'We were gonna join them all and make one big nurse.'
Burns: 'He turns everything into a hollow mockery!' Hawkeye: 'That's a lie! I've never once taken out the inside of a mockery.'

The Klinger Collection: A bright medium green dress and a little hat, very nice.

Continuity is for Wimps: The nurse played by Bobbie Mitchell was identified as Nurse Mason in Episode 20. The Army-Navy Game (Season 1). Here, she's Nurse Marshall.

Suction: 2 calls.

Notes: Hot Lips now has a little identifying sign near her tent instead of just on the door.

Comments: This is the first in a series of episodes where somebody is in a position to break up the 4077th or arrest one of the staff-members thereof, but seeing them in action makes him/her change their mind. It's pretty good here, but gets just a leetle too much when they're still trotting out the same thing in six seasons' time.

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