74. Change of Command

September 19, 1975 (G-501)

Written by: Jim Fritzell and Everett Greenbaum
Directed by: Gene Reynolds
Semi-regulars: Jeff Maxwell as probably Igor. William Christopher as Father Mulcahy.

Plot: Burns is driving everybody crazy with his strange and pernikity regulations. He is anticipating being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and put in charge of the 4077th permanently. He is actually going to be replaced by a regular army man, Colonel Sherman Potter. He arrives, with a saddle (!) and a penchant for changing things from the way Colonel Blake used to have them. Before Radar can stop him, Klinger confronts the Colonel in an effort to get a section 8. The Colonel, however, has seen this kind of thing since WWI, and orders Klinger into uniform. When he summons the officers to his office, Potter notices Frank Burns's absence. Hot Lips confides to BJ and Hawkeye that Burns has run away because he was so upset at not getting the command. Klinger develops a rash from his uniform, which BJ and Hawkeye diagnose as psychosomatic. In a rather grueling OR session, the surgical team realise that Colonel Potter is a very capable surgeon, despite having been behind a desk for two years. Afterwards, Burns turns up again, covered in crud and acting like a five-year-old. The colonel has a drink with BJ and Hawkeye, who talk to him about Klinger and his dresses. The verdict - Colonel Potter will fit in perfectly at the 4077th, and Klinger gets to stay in pink.

Great Lines: Klinger: 'Radar, I'm finished! I gotta burn my bloomers!'
Hawkeye, after fixing the colonel's back: 'Learnt that from an old Arab. He liked flat camels.'

The Klinger Collection: A totally charming floor-length gold lamé evening gown with elbow gloves, pearls and a tiara. Later, a cream sailor suit with matching hat, apparently from the Shirley Temple collection.

Suction: 2, although BJ does ask for the first one twice.

Notes: Colonel Potter was in the cavalry in WWI, which he joined at age 15. This makes him somewhere around 50. He was awarded a good conduct medal with a clasp, which only an enlisted man can earn. He was also awarded a purple heart in Guam in WWII, when his still blew up.

Comments: Hawkeye and BJ's discussion of their new bar is hilarious, as is Burns's temper tantrum at not getting the command. Another episode which demonstrates that the new team can be just as funny as the old. Nothing too serious, but good for developing character, which this show is so strong on.

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