82. Dear Peggy

November 11, 1975 (G-509)

Written by: Jim Fritzell and Everett Greenbaum
Directed by: Burt Metcalfe
Guest Stars: Ned Beatty, as Colonel Hollister.
Semi-regulars: William Christopher as Father Mulcahy. Somebody uncredited, as Lt. Gage. Kellye Nakahara as Nurse Kellye.

Plot: BJ writes a letter to his wife about Burns's ineptitude as a surgeon, Klinger's looniness, Father Mulcahy's trouble with his superiors, and Hawkeye's attempt to shove seventeen people into a jeep. A Colonel chaplain comes to inspect Father Mulcahy's work, and insists he write a letter to the parents of a soldier who isn't out of the woods yet. Klinger makes a few escape attempts, Burns attempts to teach English to Koreans so they can help in the wards. The sick soldier pulls through and goes home, much to Mulcahy's relief.

Great Lines: Hawkeye, to Radar dancing: 'What's that step you're doing?' Radar: 'You'll have to ask Nurse Kellye, she's leading.'
Hollister: 'It's now 1400 hours. I've got to take my milk of magnesia, and do three pushups.'
Klinger, in the hands of the MPs disguised as a tree: 'I'd have made it if not for that dog!' Slight shades of Scooby Doo.

The Klinger Collection: A brown cocktail frock with sequins and elbow gloves. Later, his uniform with a nice nurse's hat. Later he dresses as a Korean peasant woman. Later on, a tree, which isn't strictly speaking an outfit but looked damn snazzy.

Suction: One.

Comments: It's nice to get a different perspective on things. The 'letter home' genre is still one of the most personable, although not a lot of the action takes place in BJ's letter. Klinger's raft expanding and tipping the Colonel off his chair was side-splitting. Nothing too fantastic, but still consistently good.

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