86. Mail Call Again

December 9, 1975 (G-518)

Written by: Jim Fritzell and Everett Greenbaum
Directed by: George Tyne
Semi-regulars: William Christopher, as Father Mulcahy. Kellye Nakahara, as Nurse Kellye.

Plot: Colonel Potter gets a letter from his son saying that his wife (the son's, not Potter's) is about to have a baby. Radar suggests a bet on when the baby is born. Amongst the other mail is a very snazzy nightie for Hot Lips, which would be a lot of fun for Burns except that he's just got a letter saying that his wife has heard about his affair with Hot Lips, and wants a divorce. (!!) Meanwhile, Klinger wants out because apparently his brothers were both killed in an accident. Potter consults Klinger's record, discovers that he has no brothers, and sends him back to work. Burns talks his wife out of the divorce by describing Hot Lips as an old war horse and army mule, but she overhears and dumps him again - quite vigorously. Radar has got a home movie of Sunday lunch, and they are just finishing watching it when the phone rings bringing news of Potter's grandchild. It's a girl - Father Mulcahy wins the baby pool.

Glitches: Radar seals and re-opens Frank's letter. Bit of a slip-up.
Frank's outfit changes between his discussion with Major Houlihan and his meeting with Colonel Potter.

Great Lines: Hot Lips: 'You have feathers in your hair!' Burns: 'It's a scalp condition.'
Klinger, in his grief: 'My two brothers, Maurice and Hakim, died in an explosion of the boiler at the Toledo Harmonica Company!'
Burns, to his wife: 'If you divorce me, I'll do myself an injury! I'll run right out into the middle of the war!'

The Klinger Collection: A beautiful black mourning outfit with a veil. Later, he wears his fatigues for digging latrines. Later, he wears Margaret's negligée.

Continuity is for Wimps: Colonel Potter's son later turns into a daughter. And his granddaughter turns into a grandson, and a slightly older one at that.

Notes: Potter's son is a dentist, and his wife's name is Janeane. Mulcahy's sister is a nun, Sister Maria Angelica. BJ's dog is called Waggle, and occasionally sends him letters. Radar's mother is also played by Gary Burghoff.

Comments: The scene with Burns and the nightie with BJ and Hawkeye is lovely, but nothing beats Radar's home movie, which is tear-jerking. A slight diversion from the 'Letters to/from home' genre, in that the letters aren't the focus of the action. The final bits with Radar's home movie and Potter's granddaughter is very sweet. A heartfelt but light-hearted episode.

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