89. Der Tag

January 6, 1976(G-522)

Written by: Everett Greenbaum and Jim Fritzell
Directed by: Gene Reynolds
Guest Stars: Joe Morton as Captain Saunders.
Semi-regulars: Kellye Nakahara as Nurse Kellye. William Christopher as Father Mulcahy.

Plot: Hot Lips has gone to Tokyo for a nurses' seminar, and Burns is jealous as all hell, and starts being an even bigger pain than ever before. The Colonel tells the boys to try to be nice to him, and they invite him into their poker game, where he wins all their money. Afterwards they go to the bar and get very drunk. BJ and Hawkeye put a toe-tag on the paralytic Burns as a joke, and he falls into an ambulance heading to the front. When an aid station phones to tell the colonel that they have one of his surgeons, he sends BJ and Hawkeye to go and get him. They start being nasty to him again the second they get back. He is confused and annoyed, but Hot Lips returns from Tokyo to console him.

Glitches: Radar has an Avengers comic on his chest, one which wasn't published till the 1960s. And to top that off, the comic actually changes between shots!

BIMOL: Hot Lips isn't in this one much, being in Tokyo and all.

Great Lines: Burns: 'Colonel I do wish you'd exercise your command!' Potter: 'I only exercise it once a month. I don't want to get muscle bound.'

The Klinger Collection: His pink housecoat with a red-checked tea towel on his head held down by a sun-visor.

Comments: The script for this episode was quite simply stunning. I for one thought it was quite sad when the boys stopped being nice to Burns and he didn't know why. Another S4 corker.

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