107. The Colonel's Horse

December 7, 1976 (U-811)

Written by: Jim Fritzell and Everett Greenbaum
Directed by: Burt Metcalfe
Semi-regulars: Kellye Nakahara as Nurse Kellye.

Plot: Colonel Potter goes to Tokyo on R&R. Hot Lips comes down with chronic appendicitis, the Colonel’s horse comes down with colic. In the case that her appendix becomes critical, Margaret doesn’t want Burns to operate on her appendix because he’s incompetent. (And because he’s Burns.) BJ phones his father-in-law in Oklahoma to find out what’s to be done for the horse so that the Colonel won’t get mad at Radar. BJ’s father-in-law recommends lots of warm water - and not orally. A large bucket chain is set up to provide said water, which fixes the colic nicely. The Colonel comes back to discover Klinger with extreme depression. Upon making this discovery, the Colonel grants him a discharge. Klinger gets so happy he loses the discharge. Meanwhile, Hot Lips’s appendix has got so bad she has to get Hawkeye to operate, despite Burns’s objections. Everything goes smoothly and she recovers nicely.

Glitches: Hawkeye talking into his stethoscope really should have occasioned more of a pain reaction. (see what Margaret did to him in Episode 55. Check Up. (Season 3).)
Radar spells ‘Hayden’ for Sparky, when BJ didn’t actually spell it for him. I guess he premonitioned the correct spelling.

Great Lines: PA: ‘Corporal Klinger will have to collect the Rockwell Print by himself. Chen Sook-Yin has escaped!’
Hawkeye: ‘I’m not a vetrinarian!’ BJ: ‘You’re a veteran.’ Hawkeye: ‘Close enough for jazz.’

Continuity is for Wimps: The Colonel’s horse is now a mare called Sophie. She used to be a stallion (who may or may not have been called Sophie).

Comments: Despite being vaguely silly, this is a very nice episode. Hot Lips’s cooling affection for Burns is an interesting prelude to what happens to him at the beginning of Season 6. Strangely enough, it seems that we are actually expected to feel some sympathy for Burns. Klinger’s ‘Top Hat’ routine is marvellous, although the result of said routine is rather sad.

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