21. Sticky Wicket

March 4, 1973 (J-321)

Written by: Laurence Marks and Larry Gelbart
Directed by: Don Weis
Guest Stars: Wayne Bryan as Private Thompson.
Semi-regulars: John Orchard as Ugly John. Lynette Mettey as Lt Nancy Griffin. Bonnie Jones as Nurse Barbara.

Plot: Hawkeye finally tells Burns precisely what he thinks of him. This leads to Hot Lips complaining to Henry that Hawkeye is disrupting morale. Hawkeye defends by claiming everything he said was true. When Hawkeye is having patient trouble later, Burns bites back, leading to blows being exchanged (well, mostly delivered), and Hawkeye moving out of the Swamp. Henry tracks Hawkeye down in a supply tent and tells him that he can't be Dr Perfect in a place like a MASH. After he and Hot Lips sound each other out, Hawkeye realises he could have missed something, works out what it is, and goes back and fixes the patient. Even Burns admits it was something anyone could miss.

Glitches: This isn't exactly a glitch, but one of the reasons Hawkeye picks on Burns for is his always asking for help - but earlier accuses him of needing help but not asking for it. Inconsistent, Captain Pierce?
A piece of food jumps from the tray onto Hawkeye's fork between shots in the mess tent scene.

Great Lines: Hawkeye, in the mess tent: 'Give me some salt, I can still taste it.'
Henry to Radar, as he contemplates trying to ignore Hot Lips: 'You go right to Major Houlihan, you set your jaw firmly, and you look into those cool, killer eyes of hers and you tell her I'll be right there.' (For some reason, he sounds like Casey Kasem as he finishes this line.)
Ugly John: 'How about some poker? I got the missus to send me a cheque, made out to you, just to make things easier.'

Continuity is for Wimps: Bride of the Gorilla (1951) and Bonzo Goes to College (1952) are the camp's movies this week. Although I'm sure the Special Services guys do their best, I don't think they'd have much luck getting brand new stuff like this. Assuming, given the various time distortions around the 4077th, that they've even been filmed yet! (As we'll see in 23. Ceasefire, it's sure not 1952 yet, and given the absence of Colonel Potter should probably be 1950. But let's face it - time has never been a particularly reliable dimension around the 4077th.) Love-Life of a Gorilla (1937) and Bedtime for Bonzo (1951) are next week's treats - and the latter stars none other than former US President Ronald Reagan. Admittedly he wasn't a former President when the episode was made, but it's interesting.

Suction: 2.

Notes: Henry has his name written on the inside of his boots.
Captain Phillip was set to move into Hawkeye's bunk when he moved out of the Swamp.
At this point, Henry's wife is still called Mildred.
That fancy theme tune is still here. Get down!

Comments: The three dramatic 'zoom in' shots in the OR scene are really rather silly.
There will be an episode later in the series with a plot reminiscent of this, only with BJ as the distraught surgeon. It was nice to see, once again, that the boys and Burns don't hate each other on every level (just most of them). And the 'Hawkeye can't get a moment's peace' scene was very cute. The scene where Hawkeye grabs Hot Lips in the middle of a date with Burns is one of the funniest in the episode.

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