61. Mad Dogs and Servicemen

December 10, 1974 (B-317)

Written by: Linda Bloodworth and Mary Kay Place
Directed by: Hy Averback
Guest Stars: Michael O'Keefe, as Corporal Travis. Arthur Song, as Korean man.
Semi-regulars: Shizuko Hoshi, as Rosie. Bobbie Mitchell, as Nurse Baker. Jeff Maxwell, as Igor.

Plot: Radar keeps a whole bunch of animals, including raccoons, rabbits, possums, and a tortoise. Unfortunately, a stray dog has also been around, and has bitten Radar. Hawkeye is afraid he might get rabies. Meanwhile, a soldier, Corporal Travis, has been brought in paralysed after a tank attack, although he isn't injured at all. Burns wants him to be sent to Tokyo, but Hawkeye and Trapper decide to keep him and get in touch with Sidney Freedman. Sidney is busy, but tells Hawkeye to try the treatment himself. The theory is that it is hysterical paralysis - if they send him home he'll never recover. If they behave as though he'll go back to the front he will probably get better. Hawkeye tries playing 'bad doctor', bossing Travis around and telling him he's going back. It doesn't really go very well. Meanwhile, everyone is trying to find the dog that bit Radar, because if they can rule out rabies, Radar doesn't have to go through the rabies shots. There's no sign of the dog, so Radar has to start a very painful series of injections. Travis begins trying to crawl around the camp, which is quite promising. The boys think it's a good sign that maybe Travis wants to talk it out, but Hawkeye isn't exactly Dr Popular with him at the moment. Instead, Trapper talks to him, and he eventually tells about the tank attack. The guilt at not fighting is what triggered the hysterical paralysis. The dog that bit Radar turns up and doesn't have rabies, so Radar doesn't have to finish the series of injections. Travis turns up in Henry's office - walking. He goes back to the front to exorcise his guilt and fear demons.

Glitches: Hawkeye says the soldier has Combat Exhaustion, but I'm fairly sure the term is Combat Fatigue, or Battle Fatigue. (I don't think they'd invented post-traumatic stress syndrome yet).
In bed with a fever, Radar's head, hand and blanket all change position between shots.
When reading Radar his letter, Hot Lips changes pages three times, but there are only two pages in the letter.

Great Lines: Radar: 'How could they do that - eat a dog!' Henry: 'Must have been one hell of a bun.'
Henry, to Hawkeye during a scrabble game: 'What the devil does vailness mean?' Trapper: 'It means he's losing - take that off!'
Burns: 'It's disgraceful - a United States soldier crawling on the ground!' Trapper: 'Try telling that to the infantry, Frank.'
Burns: 'I'm taking this to a higher authority!' Trapper: 'Oh, Frank. You're not going to call your mother again?'

Continuity is for Wimps: Radar says 'Sorry about the car, dad,' but his father is apparently dead. Either Radar was driving at a very early age, or his fever screws his brain over severely.

They All Look the Same to Me: Shizuko Hoshi, for the first (but not last) time, and the same for Arthur Song.

Je ne parle Korean...do I? At this point, Radar and Henry don't speak Korean at all.

Notes: Trapper interned at Boston, which is where we later learn that Hawkeye did his residency.

Comments: I'm not entirely sure which was the A and B story this episode - it seemed to work either way. Poor Radar doesn't come off too well, although it was nice to see that he didn't have to go through with all the shots. Rabies shots are often given into the stomach area and are hideously painful.
Nice to see Hawkeye playing the bad guy for a change, as well. Not a bad episode.

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