110. The Most Unforgetable Characters

January 4, 1977 (U-818)

Written by: Ken Levine and David Isaacs
Directed by: Burt Metcalfe
Semi-regulars: Jeff Maxwell, as Igor

Plot: Radar has been accepted into the Famous Las Vegas Writers' School (est. 1950) and is filling the duty logs with adjectival nonsense. As he searches for material to do his assignments on, he discovers that Hawkeye and BJ are having a fight - a pretend fight to cheer Burns up on his birthday. When it escalates into a not-so-pretend fight, Radar steps in and gives them a serve about how they usually get on so well. The boys make up, Burns gets cranky, and Radar decides to give the writing course the heave-ho.

Glitches: This is really petty and probably doesn't count, but Klinger says, firstly, that he wants his ashes sprinkled over Toledo, and then that he wants them kept in a blue jar, because it's his best colour./p>

BIMOL: Margaret's romantic interlude is the only appearance she makes. As is Father Mulcahy's anecdote about his sister.

Great Lines: Hawkeye, during a discussion with Frank: ‘He called me Ferret-face?' Frank: ‘Yeah! He was so mad he thought you were me!'
Klinger: ‘Who put gasoline in my gasoline??!?!?!?'

The Klinger Collection: A cream dress with a tiny floral pattern and a waitress's cap. Then a salmon-pink dress with a black bow around the neck. This outfit later gets completely bollocked by Chinese soldiers. And then an Indian brocade sarong with matching hat and shirt to immolate himself.

Continuity is for Wimps: Father Mulcahy's sister is now called Teresa, which she was never called before - she was Sister Maria Angelica, or Kathy to family. But somehow, she's still a basketball whizz.

Notes: Set starting 13 June of probably 1953, which is Burns's birthday.

Comments: This is kind of cute. Radar's use of words is absolutely mind-blowing - I never knew you could actually bend adjectives like that. And it was nice to show that BJ and Hawkeye aren't always the best of friends, which doesn't surprise me, considering they live together all the friggin' time for years.

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