(Sasha's throne-room. Sasha (with Goatee), Rabbitskovic, Muncher, Skunky, Lennie, Tessa, Pirica, Gumman, Bunniquette, Hoppy, Laff.)
PIRICA:I must admit I'm a little worried, Queen Sasha. It's been weeks since Fuzzy called Abbie, and she still hasn't arrived.
SASHA:I'm sure she's perfectly safe.
(The doors explode inwards and a huge ball of fire zooms in, landing in the centre of the room. The flames vanish, revealing Fuzzy and Rabbo.)
BUNNIQUETTE:Quite a flair for the dramatic, Rabbo. Now that we all know your secret, you're quite proud of being a God, aren't you?
RABBO:Who wouldn't be?
FUZZY:We were just in the Insectblanket, trying to contact Abbie and her family aboard the Sea Kidney.
FUZZY:No answer. Couldn't get through. For all we know, the Sea Kidney may no longer exist.
(A familiar voice says:)
ABBIE:It doesn't.
(Everyone turns to the door, where they see Abbie.)
FUZZY:Abbie! You made it! What took you so long?
ABBIE:The Anastasians destroyed the Sea Kidney. Westminster, Ralph, and my father were all killed. I barely escaped with my life.
(Abbie suddenly tears off her clothes, revealing a stunning purple dress underneath that is easily recognisable as Anastasia's.)
ABBIE:And Abbie didn't escape with hers!
SASHA:What? Fuzzy, don't be ridiculous. That's Abbie! She's just wearing an....uncharacteristically purple dress.
(He rushes up to Abbie and begins to shake her.)
FUZZY:You heartless bitch! If you've killed Abbie and her family, I'll--
SASHA:Fuzzy! Stop that! Have you gone mad? You'll hurt her!
(Muncher draws his blaster.)
MUNCHER:No, my Queen! I think King Fuzzy is right! Anastasia has used her body snatching powers to enter Abbie! Step away from the King and put your hands up, Anastasia.
ABBIE:I think not.
(Abbie grabs Fuzzy and produces a knife, which she presses to his throat.)
ABBIE:You will all obey me, or your King will he killed.
SASHA:Abbie!What are you--
ABBIE:Wake up and smell the champagne, Sash, honey! Fuzzboy and the UBF guy are right! I'm not Abbie! I'm Anastasia Sarossy-Mammalworth! Abbie, Biggles, Earless and the chainsaw are all dead.
(Chris begins to snigger. Bunniquette kicks him.)
BUNNQUETTE:This is serious, goofball! Anastasia's got a knife to Fuzzy!
RABBO:Yeah! And I thought Fuzzy didn't know how to have fun!
ABBIE:Shut up, Rabbo. I don't like you much. Now, you - the Regent.
ABBIE:Tell your palace guards that the Easter Bunny, the Stab-Stabs, and Smoky will all be permitted to enter the palace and make their way to the throne-room.
RABBITSKOVIC: Never! I won't allow such criminals to set foot inside the palace!
ABBIE:Fine. I hope you've got a good mop, though. Bunny blood is so messy.
RABBITSKOVIC: Ah. Yes. Very well. Your orders will be carried out. Just don't hurt the King.
RABBO:Hold it. Anastasia, may I ask you a question?
ABBIE:...Yes? What?
RABBO:Would it... bother you if all of a sudden you were back in your previous body and Abbie and her family were right here and perfectly healthy?
ABBIE:Well of course it would bother me! But our instruments assured us that your pet Thunder God was not here at this time, so there'll be no miracles foryou today.
RABBO:Ah, yes, but your instruments are not powerful enough to detect the presence of undercover gods.
(Anastasia's previous body, Westminster, Earless and Ralph appear. Abbie is still holding Anastasia's knife to Fuzzy's throat. She drops it quickly.)
ABBIE:Hey...weren't we dead a minute ago?
LAFF:Boring, isn't it?
WESTMINSTER:Oh, I don't know. I quite liked it. Especially the lack of Rabbo.
ANASTASIA:How come I'm back in Anastasia Uulamets' body? What the fuck is going on? I just killed you guys!
EARLESS:It'll take more than death to shut me up, lady!
MUNCHER:Anastasia Sarossy-Mammalworth, you are under arrest for the murders of Abbigail Cleveland-Biggles, Westminster J. Biggles, James Cleveland and Ralph Chainsaw.
WESTMINSTER:Yeah! You'll pay for killing me, you bitch!
ANASTASIA:None of this stuff was supposed to happen. How did you do this, Rabbo?
RABBO:Just lucky, I guess.
FUZZY:We've got you this time, Anna. Warden Ichorpuss won't let you escape again.
ANASTASIA:My Anastasians will avenge me! Pommel!
(Abbie's hair parts (!) and Pommel Stab-Stab leaps out, swords drawn.)
POMMEL:Ha! A trained ninja like myself is an expert at self-concealment! Prepare to die, un-villains!
(Pommel lunges at Fuzzy and swings his sword. Fuzzy is about to lose his head, but Hoppy intervenes, grabbing Pommel's arm in mid-slash.)
POMMEL:Hey! Let go! I'm trying to decapitate your King.
HOPPY:Stick it up your rabbit-hole, pal.
(She punches him in the face and he drops to the floor, unconscious. Hoppy is still holding his wrist. She grabs his swords and flings him at Anastasia.)
HOPPY:I am so sick of losers like you guys causing trouble! I blew up Rufus and Yasta and I'll blow you up, too!
HOPPY:I just attached a tiny bomb to Pommel's body.
ANASTASIA:You're mad! You'll kill us all!
HOPPY:No, just you and Pommel. You see, the device I used is a Foozamblian Bang-Tab. A smart-bomb, basically. It's programmed to cause an explosion that will only kill bad guys.
(A deep, booming voice says:)
D, B VOICE:Did someone call for help?
(A shapeless blob of goo appears beside Anastasia.)
SHAPELESS BLOB:Always getting yourself into trouble, eh, Nunklon?
(The blob jumps onto Pommel and eats the bomb before it has a chance to explode.)
HOPPY:Hey!The bomb's meant to detonate if someone tries to remove it!
SHAPELESS BLOB:I'm too tricky for that sort of thing. Now, "Anastasia", let's get out of here.
ANASTASIA:Yes, master. We'll have to pick up the rest of my servants on our way out.They're waiting at the door.
HOPPY:Muncher! Skunky! Don't let then get away! Shoot them!
(Muncher and Skunky fire, but they're too late. Anastasia, Pommel and the blob vanish. After they're gone, the blob can be heard to say:)
D, B VOICE:Ner, ner! We got away! But we'll be back!
(before his voice fades away.)
MUNCHER:They got away!
LAFF:But what was that blobby thing? The voice sounded familiar.
WESTMINSTER:Well, let's see... how many shapeless, gooey blobs do we know with deep, booming voices?
WESTMINSTER:That's what I thought.
FUZZY:Chris, surely you could have used your Botherance powers to capture them for us?
RABBO:No. That's what you guys all wanted me to do, and your hope was too powerful. It cancelled out Anastasia's Botherance Factor, and I was unable to act. And besides, that blobby-thing, it's ... oh, never mind. I'll tell you later.
BUNNIQUETTE:Our hope negated your powers? That's a really lame excuse, you know.
RABBO:I've got a pet walrus.
EARLESS:Oh, yeah? Well, I hate walruses. One attacked me once.
RABBO:Oh? Do tell.
EARLESS:The bastard animal bit my ears clean off.
RABBO:They're notorious for ear-biting. That's why I keep mine in an ear-proof tank.
WESTMINSTER:I hate Chris Rabbo.
Part Three
Part One
King Fuzzy Trilogy
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