The Trojan by Urac Sigma
Big news afoot for a certain chief engineer, but Ambassador Buj likes to think she's got more problems, what with having to take care of Lwaxana Troi and all. And why is everyone acting so...'friendly'?

The Sensational Scholes Sisters by Euan Bowen
Bobbi takes some time out, and for reasons best known only to herself, lets Christine go with her. Of course, her definition of 'time out' probably had more of a lack of alien gangsters and old grudges...

Something There Is... by Leila Fetter and Urac Sigma
So much for a normal day in the log! S turns up, more than a little annoyed at the Continuum for making him, of all things, human! He'll just have to get used to it...or could he even like it?

The ? Degree by Euan Bowen, Urac Sigma and Leila Fetter
Remember Parker? As in, the dumbest dog on the Compromise, nay, in the universe? Yes, that Parker. Well, he's finally showing some intelligence. And the crew are more than slightly wishing he hadn't.

Who Wants to Live Forever? by Urac Sigma and Leila Fetter
A Gathering. The Prize. In the 24th century, the Game is alive and well, and playing out on Deep Shit Nine. And unwilling player Emma the Klingon is finding that even if she won't kill, in the end there can be only one...

Emma the Techie's Theatre of the Insane by Leila Fetter and Urac Sigma
That's it. Enough. Thanklessly working the transporter for four years has taken its toll on Lieutenant Techie. Now, she's going to get some recognition, no matter what it takes.