(Fuzzy and Sasha’s throne-room. Fuzzy is in there along sitting on his throne. He turns to the camera and says:)
FUZZY:Well, I never said the Happy Ending was going to be permanent.
(Pirica enters.)
PIRICA:Hiya, Fuzzy.
FUZZY:Hey. How’s things?
PIRICA:Great. I... I, um, I just came to tell you that I’m leaving.
PIRICA:Yeah. Taking the Tonsilcrash and going off to adventure among the stars.
FUZZY:...Just like we all used to, before Uulamets died.
PIRICA:Yes. Just like that.
FUZZY:Is... is anyone else going with you?
PIRICA:Willits. And Mal.
(Fuzzy produces a large silver bell, which he rings. After a moment, Rabbitskovic appears.)
RABBITSKOVIC:You rang, your highness?
FUZZY:Yes. Pirica, if you’ll excuse us, the Regent and I have things to discuss.
(Pirica exits. Cut to an enormous white room with a ridiculously high ceiling. In the centre of the huge room is a bloody gigantic spiral staircase. The top of the staircase is too high to be seen. Hoppy enters (from someplace) and looks at the staircase in confusion. She doesn’t know where she is.)
HOPPY:What the heck is this place?
(Suddenly we hear a voice from somewhere above.)
VOICE:Hello. How are you?
(Hoppy looks up. About half way up the staircase is Fuzzy.)
HOPPY:Fuzzy? What’s going on? Where are we?
FUZZY:Not sure exactly.
HOPPY:How did you get here?
FUZZY:How did you get here?
HOPPY:I don’t know! How did you?
FUZZY:I asked first.
HOPPY:No you didn’t! I did!
FUZZY:Really? Oh. Well, in that case...
(Fuzzy throws something down to her. Hoppy catches it. It’s a golden medallion. Written on the medallion is ‘HLXXXI’.)
HOPPY:What is this?
(She looks up but Fuzzy is gone.)
HOPPY:Fuzzy? Uh... Fuzzy?
(From somewhere we hear Fuzzy’s voice say:)
FUZZY’S VOICE:Bye-bye! I think I hear my Mystery Detector beeping...
(Suddenly we see Hoppy lying asleep in her bed in the Palace. Her eyes flick open in shock as she wakes up.)
HOPPY:What an odd dream...
(A loud gong can be heard for a moment.)
HOPPY:What? The Conference Gong. I’d better get to the Throne-Room.
(Cut to the throne-room. Fuzzy is still sitting on his throne. Rabbitskovic is next to him. Sasha enters, followed by Baik-baik, who is carrying Goatee.)
SASHA:Yes, Fuzzy? You sounded the Throne-Room Conference Gong.
(Hoppy, Pirica, Mal, Laff, Bunniquette, Gumman, Rabbo, Abbie, Westminster, Earless, Tessa, Lennie, Ralph, Howie, Muncher, Skunky, Anastasia and Jetty enter.)
WESTMINSTER:What’s with the Gong, Fuzz?
FUZZY:Is everyone here?
RABBITSKOVIC:... Yes, I believe so, your majesty.
FUZZY:Good. I believe Pirica has something to share?
PIRICA:I... do?
FUZZY:Just tell them what you told me, Ric.
PIRICA:Um... okay. Well... everyone, Willits, Mal and I are leaving. In the Tonsilcrash. Adventuring. Like we were before... before Teddy passed away.
HOPPY:Leaving? Why?
PIRICA:With all due respect to Queen Sasha and her court, Palace life bores me. Now that the UBF base is up and running again, I think my job here is done.
GUMMAN:And I’m going with her. Because I want to.
MAL:Well, let’s face it, no one here wants me.
WESTMINSTER:Neither do Gumman and Ric.
ABBIE:West! Do you have to be so rude?
WESTMINSTER:No. But I want to.
EARLESS:Ha! Good one, boy!
BUNNIQUETTE:Oh, shut up, you old fool.
PIRICA:Now Fuzzy, why did you want me to tell everyone?
FUZZY:In case anyone else wants to go with you.
PIRICA:You mean you don’t mind?
FUZZY:Mind? I’m going with you myself!
FUZZY:It’s all right, Sash. You can come too.
ABBIE:But Fuzzy! You and Sasha can’t leave Nerpalon 12! You’re the King and Queen!
FUZZY:Yes. But I’ve had a little chat with Doberman, and he says that Sash and I are due to have our Short Service Leave in a couple of days.
EARLESS:Short service leave? Never heard of it.
FUZZY:I don’t care if you’ve never heard of it.
RABBITSKOVIC:My Queen, you’ve had a trying time recently. A holiday will be extremely beneficial. I am more than happy to take over while you’re away.
SASHA:But... we...
BUNNIQUETTE:Oh, come on, Sash! It’ll be fun! Travelling the universe again! Not being tied to the Palace!
HOPPY:Yeah! A bit of excitement!
SASHA:Oh, and being attacked by the Anastasians, having Fuzzy go mad and fake his own death, half my friends being stranded in another dimension, and killing Lucky in a fit of insanity isn’t exciting enough?
HOPPY:Uh... I meant a bit of nice excitement.
ABBIE:They’re right, Sasha. A holiday’ll do us all good!
FUZZY:Yeah! All in favour say aye!
SASHA:...very well then. A return to the life of a wandering Star Bunny.
FUZZY:Victory Through Air Power!
ALL:Victory Through Air Power! Yay!
(Cut to the bridge of the Tonsilcrash. Pirica, Gumman, Abbie.)
PIRICA:Isn’t she a beauty?
GUMMAN:Well, I guess she’s kinda cute, but... lacking in intelligence. After all, she married Westminster.
PIRICA:Not Abbie! The ship!
GUMMAN:Oh... yeah.
PIRICA:The Tonsilcrash is my greatest feat of engineering. A truly spectacular vessel.
ABBIE:I notice from the controls that the Tonsilcrash is also... rather heavily armed.
PIRICA:She was designed for use as a Dropoff warcruiser.
ABBIE:The Dropoffs commissioned you to build them a warcruiser? You must be the best starship artisan in the universe!
PIRICA:Shucks! Stop it, I’m blushing!
ABBIE:But if it was built for Dropoffs, how come you still have it?
PIRICA:Well... I showed it to the War Chancellor of the Dropoff Military Academy, but he said it was too heavily armed. He didn’t want to take the responsibility of running a ship packing this much firepower.
PIRICA:You, uh, you see, the Tonsilcrash is actually powerful enough to... wipe out the entire Dropoff federation quite easily.
PIRICA:Yeah. Bang, bang, eh?
GUMMAN:Not bad.
(Muncher and Skunky enter.)
GUMMAN:Hi, Draino. Muncher.
SKUNKY:Hi. Muncher and I are packed.
PIRICA:Ah, good. Abbie, if you’d be so kind...?
ABBIE:Certainly. Right this way, guys. I’ll show you to your rooms.
(Abbie exits, followed by Muncher and Skunky. Cut to the Throne-Room. Fuzzy, Sasha, Rabbitskovic.)
FUZZY:Thanks for everything, Rabbitskovic.
RABBITSKOVIC:My pleasure, sir.
SASHA:Look after the Kingdom... and yourself.
RABBITSKOVIC:As always, my Queen. And you also take care. Now that you health has finally returned, we don’t want it deteriorating again.
SASHA:I’m sure it won’t happen. And even if it does, I’m sure Pirica won’t mind taking me to that doctor in Russia again.
(Baik-baik enters, carrying Goatee (as usual).)
BAIK-BAIK:Goatee and I have finished packing. Chris and Laff have taken all the baby stuff to the Tonsilcrash’s nursery.
FUZZY:Right. Well then, we’d best be going. Good luck, Rabbitskovic.
RABBITSKOVIC:Farewell, your highness.
(Sasha kisses him on the cheek. Fuzzy waves as everyone but Rabbitskovic exits.)
RABBITSKOVIC:Have a nice time.
(Rabbitskovic stands there silently, looking terribly sad. Cut to the Bridge of the Tonsilcrash. Pirica, Gumman, Bunniquette, Rabbo, Laff, Hoppy, Abbie, Westminster, Earless, Muncher, Skunky, Tessa, Lennie, Ralph, Howie, Jetty, Anastasia and Mal. Fuzzy, Sasha, Baik-baik and Goatee enter.)
FUZZY:Right! We’re all here!
ANASTASIA:Yes. What a charming ship this is.
WESTMINSTER:I can’t believe we’re letting that Nunklon cow live aboard a ship that scares Dropoffs!
PIRICA:I’m not stupid, you know! The weapons systems cannot be accessed by anyone except me, Abbie, Fuzzy, Laff and Bunniquette. There’s no way Anastasia can take control of the ship.
ANASTASIA:We’ll see about that!
LENNIE:Fuzz... tell me again why it is that we’re pretending to be friends with an evil alien bodysnatcher who’s killed several of us and made our lives hell?
FUZZY:Anna’s turned over a new leaf. She’s one of us now.
BUNNIQUETTE:She hates us!
LAFF:We all know damn well that she plans to snatch Sasha’s body and usurp the throne of the Nerpalon System before slaughtering us all!
FUZZY:Yes... well... we’re trusting her anyway! We need a bad guy. And it’s not like she’s ever going to beat us. We’re the heroes of the show. Everything will be fine in the end.
BUNNIQUETTE:Hah! In the “end”? We already had the end, remember? But the computer lost it so we had to keep going.
FUZZY:It’s not because of that we have to keep going. It’s because the writer loves us so much.
SASHA:Yes. And right now his best friend in the whole multiverse is away, and he misses her, and writing material for us is the best way he knows of dealing with the sadness and loss that he feels.
FUZZY:Um... yeah.
EARLESS:What a load of mushy bullshit! Wallowing in self pity is what he’s doing. It’s not like she’s gone for ever! It’s only for a month! Is he so soppy and pathetic that he can’t wait a measly four weeks to see her again?
FUZZY:Yes, he is! Do you have a problem with that?
EARLESS:I think it’s time we got a new writer.
BUNNIQUETTE:Never happen. It’s a creator-owned project. Mind you, there is one other person writing stuff for the show, but it’s some kind of “alternate universe” thing where we continued with “Paws and Sorcery”, or something. Not much relevance to our lives as they are now.
RABBO:Two writers, eh? Wow. We’re becoming a world-wide phenomenon. I wonder when the action figures’ll be coming out?
WESTMINSTER:Personally, I’m more excited about the movie. It sounds cool. Dozens of time-lost BFDs... Hoppy’s life being utterly ruined... Bunny Fun himself...
BUNNIQUETTE:Enough! You’ll spoil it if you give away too much!
GUMMAN:I’m waiting for the Official Fuzzy Bunny Show Pharmaceuticals line.
RALPH:Reckon we’ll go with Disney or Warner Brothers?
SKUNKY:Why should we go to either? We ought to stay in Australia, and turn some Australian animation house into the biggest studio in the world.
WESTMINSTER:What, like Yoram Gross? Oh, yeah, I can see it now! “Dot and the Fuzzy Bunny”! “Blinky Bill meets the Nunklons”! Or maybe Hanna Barbera. Most of their stuff is done down under these days. We could do crossovers with Frankenstein Junior and the Impossibles! Great!
SKUNKY:Well, it was just an idea! You don’t have to bite my head off!
RABBO:I can tell you were tempted, though.
WESTMINSTER:Oh, shut up!
PIRICA:Look, can we get off this stupid conversation? We’ve got a show to do. Nearly time for Lift Off.
RABBO:I liked “Swap Shop” better.
THE OTHERS:Oh, shut up!
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